20 Things Girls want guys to know

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Camelia Şucu. Anca Vlad

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Hillary Clinton. Dr Mihaela Bilic

4 Comentarii

  1. aikisan

    About what (some) girls wanted me to know about:

    (1) Not all girls love to cuddle, some are even annoyed;

    (2) It’s a “Yes” when it isn’t a “We stay friends”

    (5) Size doesn’t matter if it’s big

    (10, 11) Some girls don’t give a s*** about small things and barely even notice surprises.

    (14) Cursing and fighting means you are a “man”. If you don’t practice them, you are just boring.

    (15) Boring again if you “play nice”

    ..cu parere de rau

  2. o blonda cazuta... pe ganduri

    (1) Not all girls, all the time 😉
    (2) so true! deal with it!
    (3) at the beginning of the movie. Seats are unconfortable as they are, nobody needs an extra reason for backakes.
    (5) Don’t tell us. You’re just drawing attention.
    (8) Except when we are angry and want to be left alone. No giggles or jokes. this is to be applied only if the reason for the annoyment is NOT you.
    (10,11) a gift at no occasion is worth much more than a valentine gift!!!
    (15) mean is correctly used /except for sado/masos- but go ahead, be teasing! bad boys are more wanted!

    nu aam apucat sa comentez myself… cu parere de bine 😀

  3. Chris

    Si daca fetele vor sa stie ce gandesc barbatii… sa se uite la http://youtube.com/watch?v=tjiN6bobTyI (raspunsul e cam la 2:45, dar recomand toata partea despre relatiile intre femei si barbati, si oricum tot show-ul care se cheama “Seinfeld Live on Broadway” sau “I’m telling you for the last time”.

  4. o blonda cazuta... pe ganduri

    Nothin!!! so true :)))

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